Outsiders Series 2 is a six-part comedy series hosted by David Mitchell on Dave produced by Renegade Pictures. The show saw David challenge a brand new set of comedians as they attempt to fend for themselves and demonstrate their skills to set up a new society in the wilderness (as far as insurance and their agents would allow!) The comedians taking part included Jessica Hynes, Joe Wilkinson, Phil Wang, Maisie Adam, Darren Harriott and Fatiha El-Ghorri. The six comedians get involved in a whole host of unusual challenges and team building exercises guided by their host David Mitchell. Each day they learn vital skills and compete for badges.
Campaign Overview:
tpr media worked with the team at Renegade Pictures on the release of their second series of Outsiders. We worked closely with the comedians and their agents to place high-visibility pieces across both broadcast and print and liaise with the Channel 5 press team.
Coverage included an Observer 'On our Radar' Q&A with Jessica Hynes which featured in The New Review. In terms of broadcast, Times Radio's Hugo Rifkind Show interviewed Phil Wang and Fatiha El-Gorri to discuss their experiences on the show, Radio 5 Live Patrick Kielty show (Jessica Bendien) also interviewed Maisie Adams. Fatiha was also interviewed on BBC Radio London's Breakfast Show with Salma El-Wardany. The Greenlit podcast with Toby Earle also interviewed Fathia. Outsiders was also featured as pick of the day in Closer magazine along with a large number of other preview and listing slots.